Friday, September 12, 2008


I have a lot of questions. Mostly these questions are about me. Why did I just do that? Why does this always happen to me? What am I doing?! What's my deal? Where the hell am I going?

Today though, I will ask this question. Why is my face breaking out like I'm 15 years old? I'm gonna be 30! This should not be happening, right? I drink a lot of water and I wash my face with Neutrogena face wash that supposedly "helps fight breakouts and blackheads." Liars!!!
I tend to go through spurts where I don't have any breakouts for a while and then...WHAM! I have Mount Vesuvius on my face and it's really pissed off.

I'm will probably have breakouts until I freakin' die.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hello from Ryan and Rocky!!