Monday, June 29, 2009


Well, I finally feel like I've recaptured my life. It's been a long time since I've posted and a lot has happened! Most of you all ready know but..I got married. That's the big change in my life. After months of planning, the day arrived and WHOOSH it was gone.
Are you friggin' kidding me?! Now, I'm a simple person so I didn't go bonkers over planning some elaborate wedding. No "Platinum Wedding" or "Bridezilla" here. But let me tell you that planning a wedding can get pretty stressful.
"How much is this all going to cost?"
"When do I do that?"
"Are the flowers going to show up?"
"Is anyone going to come?"
"Will I trip down the aisle?"
"Will I vomit before or after I say 'I do?'"
"Will I faint and be on America's Funniest Home Videos? No, I didn't hire a videographer. Should I?!"
And I was even warned that it would go by so fast. I would nod- dumbly- at whomever would say this to me, not fully grasping what was being said. Sure enough, the day was here and then gone in a flash. But, I loved every minute.
Needless to say, I did not trip, faint, or even vomit. I had the time of my life and remember funny things through the pictures (which I will post up a lot of them when I get them on disc). I even saw some things that I didn't know occurred. I dont really remember the walk down the aisle, but I do remember being terrified before the ceremony of everyone staring at me. I dont like being the center of attention.

When those doors opened though, all I saw was Ryan. I didn't notice anyone else. I guess I made a B-line straight to him, because I remember my Dad muttering, "Why you walkin' so fast?" Sorry Daddy-o.
The reception was awesome! My mother, her friend Diana, and my MOH's boyfriend (Andrew)help decorate the hall. Poor Andrew. He was put to work! My mom looked at Sara (my MOH) at one point and said laughing, "Well, Sara, we're gonna make that boy gay yet!" After my honeymoon, I asked Sara if he had come out of the closet and she said he was still far as she knew. I guess he is more secure with his masculinity so he must not be phased. Good for him!
Ryan enjoyed meeting all my family members that he had not met yet. There was Uncle Jim whom Ryan at first thought was another photographer's assistant. "Nope, that's my Uncle Jim...he was probably told to take pictures upon penalty of death from my Grandma Dee."
He also met my Aunt Joanne and Uncle Rod Crevoiserat. Whenever he mentions them, he says, "Rod and Joanne Crrrevvvysrerearaa....." and trails off lost in a spiral of consinents and vowels.
He even met Magoo. My dad's buddy and partner in crime. He is one of my "other dads" that I have known since birth. He is also the reason I am so scarred in life...he knows why.

Everyone that was there became dancing machines and seemed to have a blast, from what I could tell. I certainly did. Brian Jones brought his son, Zach (~6 years old), who apparently told his dad the next day that he danced so much he almost puked, but didn't want to tell any girls (bridesmaids he was dancing with) because he didn't want them to cry. How considerate!

And who could forget my mother being shown how to booty dance from some of the older girls on the team I work with. This is the same woman who still dances "the bugaloo." That is burned into my memory forever. Haha!

Thank you to everyone who attended and I hope you had as much fun as I did!!!