Tuesday, October 2, 2007

When It Rains It Pours

Karma...it'll get you. I dont know what I did but I'm sorry. Really I am! The past two days I haven't been able to do anything right...NOTHING. Day before yesterday I tripped myself up 8 times (I counted). 8!! Two of the times I completely fell on my face, but only when I was in front of other people, of course. Yesterday I woke up, rolled out of bed and immediately stubbed my toe. Then, I spilled my coffee on me on the way to work. Not bad, but enough to make it look like I can't feed myself without help. I got through my day relatively unscathed by only tripping 4 times during the day with no major face plants. At 5:30pm I realized I could go home...early for me (usually I get out between 6 and 6:30pm). "Woo-hoo!" I said in a very Homer Simpson way, grabbed my stuff, and left.
Now, it takes me about a half hour or so to get home from work, and it is all interstate. No big deal. Well, that is until they shut down the interstate and make me get off at an exit I have never used before...crap. So I figure I should follow the flow of traffic, but just to be sure I called Ryan to see if he knew the way. What a bust. "As long as you are going South you should come across some main roads you know." Okay, I am headed South on a main highway...sounds good to me. Surely I will find a crossroad that is familiar and I know this highway runs right into Indianapolis anyway so I should get close to home. Now, I got off the interstate 4 miles from the exit I needed so I knew it should not take long to get into my area of town. Boy was I mistaken. 25 minutes later I was still on the same highway with no familiar roads to be seen. Dang it.
I called Ryan again. I tried to tell him where I was but he had no idea. So he went to mapquest to try and find me...no luck. Apparently mapquest doesnt believe the road I was on existed. Figures.
20 minutes later I found my way to the main road that runs by my subdivision. Thank God! At this point I was pretty pissed off. It goes to show that I was not meant to leave work early. When I pulled into my driveway at 8:00pm, I was angry and frustrated. But, of course when I walked in the house, Ryan was there and he had cooked dinner and had the table set. He poured me some milk (because he knows I like milk with dinner...I know, it's like I am 5) and told me to dig in. It was really good and I was starving. He then rubbed my shoulders after dinner while we watched Monday Night Football to help me relax and I felt much better. I thought, "Can't get any worse!"

I was wrong. This morning I got in my car (prior to coffee) and headed toward the interstate. I was going down the main road infront of my subdivision when I see blinking lights behind me. I pull over to the right hand lane to let him pass me...but he doesnt pass me. "Crap!" (I editted what I really said). "You've got to be kidding me!" So, I was pulled over by a Fishers police seargent and was told I was going 50 in a 30. To top it all off, I was in a school zone. I am scum. I honestly was not paying attention to anything at that point cuz I didn't have any coffee yet from my mug beside me. However, it was about 8:30am and no school busses or children were in sight. School had all ready started. But apparently the hours for this school zone go straight through from 7:30am to 4:30pm. No break inbetween like I was used to with every other school zone I have driven through (not speeding I would like to add). So the long arm of the law nabbed me and my wicked ways and slapped my in the face with a $165 ticket. I'm not angry. I deserved it. I should have been paying attention. And so, here I sit thinking that it really can't get much worse...hopefully. I'm going for a run in a few minutes, so maybe I will get lucky and not get hit by a car. Wish me luck!!! I'm gonna need it.

1 comment:

Anne said...

At least he didn't make you do a sobriety test...Love you!!!!