Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In Training: Week 1

Last week was my first official training week. For those of you that do not know, I am going to run in the OneAmericaMiniMarathon in Indy this May. It is the largest mini-marathon in the country and it signifies the beginning of celebrating Indy car race season, ending with the Indy 500 in late May.
I ran it for the first time last year and it was quite an experience!! I actually had a lot of fun running in it. That was the furthest I have ever run in my entire life and I actually did very well!! Anyone that I was in touch with last year would tell you that during the training, I was a mess. I didn't think I could do it b/c I was so burned out. My training slacked off to where I could barely go 3 miles without mentally shutting down. I was putting way too much pressure on myself. Raceday, everything clicked and I just focused on everything around me and all the people in the race. It was great!
This year I'm at it again. I am determined to have a better outlook in my training and am comforted in the fact that I have done it before and I can do it again. I've been running a lot the past few months so I feel I am a little further along than I was last year. My longest runs right now are only 4 miles but that is mainly cuz it's too friggin' cold to run outside and I can only run on a treadmill or in a circle for so long. 4 miles is about my cracking up point. So far...so good.

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