Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rocky 7: Rocky takes on the Rhoomba

For Christmas, my mom gave me something called The Rhoomba. It's a little automated vacuum cleaner. All you have to do is push a button on the top and it starts zooming around the room. You can have it isolate itself to one room or go all over the place. It's pretty cool actually and doesn't do a bad job! It's kind of fun to watch!
The first day I busted it out of the box, the 45 page book of instructions (that I didn't read past page 6) said to charge it for 6 hours before the first use. So I unpacked "the docking station" and plugged it in, then took the actual Rhoomba out of the box and placed it on the sensor of "the docking station." The button to start it is on the top and it lights up when activated and will glow when charging.
Rocky was going about his daily activities: eating, running around the house, chewing on his toys, peeing (preferrably outside). I was watching him when he spotted the Rhoomba and it's glowing button. He tenatively stepped up to it and started sniffing. He started getting braver and stepping closer and closer until his nose was touching the side of the Rhoomba. He noticed the glowing button and immediately put his nose on the spot of light and the Rhoomba came to life. Rocky jumped about 4 feet into the air and ran from the suddenly alive robot vacuum cleaner-thing. To regain his place as "the fastest and most sporadic being to run around the house" Rocky immediately started telling the Rhoomba who's boss!! The Rhoomba would retalliate and zoom at Rocky and he would run the opposite direction but come back for more when he was sure it was safe. It was a harrowing time at the house!!!! The battle continues to this day. I see a "Rocky 8" in the future.


AND IN THIS CORNER: The Rhoomba Robot

The initial "What the...?!"


"You can't get away from me!!!"

Barking at me about the Rhoomba.

Barking at the Rhoomba, about the Rhoomba.

What will happen next?!

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